Lathering Words

New Year's Resolutions
It’s getting close to that time of year where we make a personal report card about ourselves. We take inventory of things we want to improve, do, or not do....
New Year's Resolutions
It’s getting close to that time of year where we make a personal report card about ourselves. We take inventory of things we want to improve, do, or not do....

Taking care of your skin this holiday season
It's Christmas and you want to be merry with a few drinks. We get it! Here are some suggestions on what you can do to help your skin get through...
Taking care of your skin this holiday season
It's Christmas and you want to be merry with a few drinks. We get it! Here are some suggestions on what you can do to help your skin get through...

Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas
Who is that one person who is hard to shop for? Among our extensive line of products you will find items to please truly anyone. If you’re looking for...
Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas
Who is that one person who is hard to shop for? Among our extensive line of products you will find items to please truly anyone. If you’re looking for...

Safety Razor Blades and Soaps
Drug store aisles are lined with many different commercial razors promising to give you the closest shave ever, but have you ever tried shaving with safety razors?
Safety Razor Blades and Soaps
Drug store aisles are lined with many different commercial razors promising to give you the closest shave ever, but have you ever tried shaving with safety razors?

Beard products for men
Beard Balm vs Beard Oil Both products are used to moisturize one’s beard, so what is the difference between these two items? Read on to find out!
Beard products for men
Beard Balm vs Beard Oil Both products are used to moisturize one’s beard, so what is the difference between these two items? Read on to find out!

What is Movember?! There is so much attention and movement to all things Female, and with right reason. But, that doesn’t mean Men should be cast aside. Ever.
What is Movember?! There is so much attention and movement to all things Female, and with right reason. But, that doesn’t mean Men should be cast aside. Ever.